
Booking is simple and easy - just give me a call or message on


If you’re a new client we’ll have a quick chat just to get a feel for what your current situation is, issue, pain level etc.  We can do this at the time, book a phone call or can do this in clinic when you arrive for your first visit.  This is for me to understand any challenges you may be experiencing, from your point of view.

On the day

Bring some water and a warm jumper for when you leave. 

Let me know when you’re here and I’ll bring you to the room.  Shoes off at the door of the clinic, don’t worry – not far to go! 

We’ll talk through how you’re feeling today, how you’ve been since your last appointment and any changes in the meantime so we can really tailor your appointment to you.


After the appointment

I’ll talk you through any additional care and what the best next steps are, when you’ve had a few minutes to recover.

Make sure you drink lots of water for the rest of the day. Try and build some rest time in to your day too, ideally straight after treatment. Give your body time to take in your treatment, to really maximise the effects of the treatment.